(Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten)
It's not just about books and blackboards…
This is the time to build the foundation on which the journey of LEARNING will begin. For us, at this
stage the depth of education is not gauged by whether a child is correct or not. This is a stage where
your child can experiment and try out new ideas without the fear of failure. Thematic art and
furniture adorn the classrooms making your child learn the FUN way. We nurture the love of learning
and build an atmosphere where a child can hear his own voice. We believe that each child is unique and
he or she should learn to take risks in order to bring a difference in the world!
(Grades I - V)
It's not just about numbers and alphabets...
Learning in our elementary school is based on a play-way method and lots of activities along with the
study of varied subjects. This helps your child to develop both academic discipline and essential life
skills. We aim at giving your child an enjoyable experience in school with the freedom to think and a
place where the/she is motivated to learn, create and apply!
(Grades VI - X)
It's not just about grades and exams... but fostering a dream in your child
This stage is meant for letting the mind grow, enter maturity and possess professional skills to be
ready to face the world. Attention is given to each student making sure of their growth and
development. We make sure whatever we teach stays imprinted on your child forever so that he can meet
the challenges later in his life. To make learning more fun and interesting, our classrooms are
designed as interactive learning spaces which guides every student to reach high levels of personal